

Lab Grown Diamonds FAQs

What Is Lab Grown Diamond?

Lab-grown diamonds are grown in highly controlled laboratory environments using technology that duplicates the conditions in which diamonds naturally form under the Earth's crust. they are chemically, optically and atomically identical to mined diamonds except witha different origin story. We've replaced the mines with machines.

Can you tell a mined and lab-grown diamond apart with a naked eye?

No, you cannot tell a lab-grown diamond from a mined diamond by merely looking at it. They are identical in every way and can only be distinguished in a gemological laboratory. .

Are lab-grown diamonds "Real" Diamonds?

100%! Lab-grown diamonds and mined diamonds feature the same optical, physical and chemical properties. They are graded at the same standards of a mined diamond and also share the same refractive, dispersion, and hardness index.

Are lab-grown diamonds Eco - Friendly?

Yes, lab-grown diamonds are environmentally friendly and leave a tiny ecological footprint. By growing diamonds, much of the pollutants that are associated with mined diamonds are forgone. Lab Grown Diamonds can save the world 5000+ pounds of trash, 55000+ grams of emissions, 120+ gallons of water, 90+ square feet of land mined for the equal carats.

Reason To Buy Lab-Grown Diamond?

There are many reasons to purchase a lab-grown diamond! Not only are they conflict free, but they are also eco-friendly. Compared to mined diamonds, lab-grown diamonds are far more affordable as they do not incur labour costs associated with mining, not to mention the middle men.

Do Lab-Grown Diamonds Test Positive, When Tested?

Yes, they do! Because these are real diamonds, grown with pure crystallised carbon. Lab-created diamonds will pass all tests used to authentic diamonds.

Can We Ship Diamonds Over-Seas?

Yes, we can ship your diamond to you. Please note, before shipments can be made, customers must provide full payment plus shipping and insurance charges. You can contact our customer service executives on +91 99999 99999 or [email protected] for further details.

Please note all local customs and import duties will have to be paid by the customer once the products arrive in your country. Your local authorities will contact you in order to settle this payment if required by the local laws of the country the products are being imported into. If needed we will provide additional documents that are required for a successful import into your country.

For any other questions or feedback, please contact our customer service executives on +91 99999 99999 or [email protected].